

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Organic Food

A study shows which was conducted on 10 children in the age of 6 to 12 years that those who take soy protein beverage in compared to cow’s milk have shown significant reduction in plasma triglycerides and very low density lipoprotein cholesterol. The effect of lowering the cholesterol with the use of soy is much encouraging as hypercholesterolemia is a rising disease among the American children and adolescent.
            Another chronic disease which is rising in the children is constipation. The children’s are benefitted from the use of soy infant formula or fortified soy milk. This study involves children of very less age who were suffering with severe chronic constipation. Most of them showed a response that was given soy infant formula or adding soy milk to their diet. Those who were given cow’s milk have showed no response during the study. On the basis of the statistical facts and histological findings, the researchers have concluded that constipation is a clinical symptom of cow’s milk allergy.
The literature published tells us about the soy products as healthy and functional foods. Jooyandeh (2011) in his article has stated the benefits of soy as important constituent, soy foods is able to provide the body the essential vitamins, minerals, flavonoids and different fibers. The article also states that the isoflavones in the soy can act as estrogen receptor in both the frontal cortex and the hippocampus of the brain. These isoflavones alter the metabolism of the brain as it increases the choline acetyltransferase and the level of mRNA neurotrophins. Soy also plays significant role in clear verbal and the visual, spatial memory. Frontal cortex is important in the working of the memory and execution of cognitive functions. Soy is also cost efficient as they can substitute the expensive meat and fishes; soy act as the field meat as known in the old times. The rich amino acids of the soy are beneficial for the development of a human.
            Several researches have been done in the area of soy acting as an important source of rich nutrients. The research reveals that soy can promote health in the children, as it replace high caloric and saturated food with low caloric and less saturated content in soy. The diets containing soy such as nuts, smoothies, chips or many other food items are rich in protein, calcium, potassium, fibers and folate, which contain very less saturated fat while no cholesterol is present. The soy is researched to be best for the children in the healthy intake of food, it also act as a substituent to different food items to children which are allergic to that food; for instance the children allergic to milk protein can get the calcium and vitamin D from fortified soy milk (USB, 2004).
            It is clearly observed from the attitude of the consumers that the need of the soy enriched foods will be increased. Those who are more health conscious are now considering soy foods due to their potential. From various studies, it is observed that soy foods have much potential and can play a major role in improving the health system of a human. It has reduced the risk factor of the cardiovascular disease. Soya beans are used for many purposes and it is the majority source of isoflavones in the human body. Besides it, soy is also enriched with essential nutrients. If we spread the awareness regarding the benefits of soy in the cognitive development it is for sure that everyone will look for the soy enriched foods.
            Other than the cognitive functions, organic foods have many other advantages too in many sectors of the life. Some of the advantages that I want to include are as follows:
·         It is a general fact that the fresher food is tastier; organic food is usually fresher when it is eaten as they do not contain preservatives so they are good in taste.
·         Organic farming produces less pollution as compared to the normal farming. It reduces pollution, preserves water, and uses less energy and increase soil fertility.
The university of IOWA state has given some of the facts out of which I have stated some of them which are given below:
                    i.            Tofu has been used as a food hundreds of years ago and about 1 billion people uses it daily.
                  ii.            The University has released more than 50 varieties of soya beans.
                iii.            Livestock of America nearly eats more than 22 million tons of soya beans in a year.
                 iv.            U.S grows half of the soya beans of the world’s production.
                   v.            The US collection of Soya beans is of more than 15000 varieties.
                 vi.            Soya beans have been probably arrived in US in 1700 (IOWA State University, 1999)
The professor at the University of Illinois crop has done an excellent job in the production of soya beans. He got many prestigious awards in this regard and has also received prestigious excellence in production by the United Soya bean board. Brian Diers have devoted his life in the research of the soya beans and have gained much significance from it. He was a plant breeder for more than 20 years. Diers has also made ILLINI brand soya bean varieties that are rich in yield potential. Diers has spent all his life in the research of the crops and now he is also a member of the faculty and is given the duty to educate the future generations to learn the use of latest use of science and technology in order to improve the food and fuel production (Urbana, 2013). Another research has revealed that soy reduces hot flashes in women. The trial included about two thousand women and it was found that the use of natural products reduces hot flashes especially in the menopausal women (University of Minnesota, 2012).
Thus it can be said that soy and other organic compounds contains many important minerals that are essential for a human body. The soy isoflavones are potentially benefit and safe of high doses. It has been reported that the soy isoflavones treatment have improved the cognitive functioning, it helps in the reduction of many diseases also (Oregon State University).

In the end if we suppose that a licensed psychologist authorize a product that has no evidence and he is giving it to parents than definitely we should condemn it. Later on if it is discovered that he was taking a percentage of money for its sale by the company is a crime. I think that these persons should be strictly punished and the state should make an example that these persons who play with the life of others will get severe punishment. The psychologist is not only making his money in an illegal way but he is also playing with the life of others and the medicine he is authorizing may harm any one’s health. It is not just the violation of code of ethics in legal ways but it is also immoral in the society. One should not do the activities in which other’s health is also involved. 
(2004) Current Knowledge on Soy and Children s Diets. USB. Retrieved from:
Jooyandeh, Hossein (2011) Soy Products as Healthy and Functional Foods. Ramin Agricultural and Natural Resources University. IDOSI Publications
 (2012) News Release. University of Minnesota. Retrieved from:
 (1999) Soy foods – Discover the Goodness. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY. Retrieved from:
Soy. University of Maryland. Retrieved from:
Soy Isoflavones. Oregon State University. Retrieved from:

Benefits of soy diet or organic food diet in cognitive development

Soy is a food that had been eaten in the Asian region for past many years but in recent times, the more health conscious American are eating Soy. Many researches have been made in this regard and it is found that after eating Soy one person or child can be prevented from many diseases. Soy really benefits a person including the decreasing of risk of development of heart disease, decrease risk of development of cancer, it strengthens bones and it also helps in appetite and weight control. Children also get a lot of benefits from soy which includes reduce in risk of breast cancer in later life, it also combats diarrhea, eases constipation and also lowers high cholesterol.
            Soy diet is said to be enhancing the child’s development psychologically i.e soy diet or the organic foods are essential for human development. They are essential as the human body cannot synthesize these components. Soy contains many important constituents such as omega 3 fatty acids, Alpha-linolenic acid, Isoflavones , Glyceollins, and Phytic acid. 
Soy supplements and diet are beneficial in the cognitive development, especially they work in the frontal lobe functioning and the verbal memory. Soy contains many important components that enhance the brain functioning. Soybean oil is composed of considerable amount of omega 3 fatty acid. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the human development as they cannot be synthesized by the human body.  These fatty acids include Alpha-linolenic acid which improves the mental health by insulating the nerve cells of the brain which allow it to communicate with one another. The people which are deficient in the omega-3 fatty acids result in severe cases like that of depression, the schizophrenia, ADHD, disorder of juvenile bipolar and several others eating disorders. Omega three fatty acids are functioned in to reduce mania and the juvenile bipolar anarchy.
Soy is an important resource of nutritional fibers and proteins; it contains a vital component Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is essential for the human body as it is important in building the amino acids of the body and also in the neurotransmitters formation (serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is formed by vitamin B6). The neurotransmitters aid in the sense functioning, it controls the mood, the mental energy level and capability to focus on the environment. Thus it can be said that the soy food or the organic food enhances the mental development of a person.

            Soy or organic food covers many areas in the development in the health issues. It includes the heart problems, obesity, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis. A study of 8 weeks shows us that the early exposure of soy or organic foods protects the heart diseases. 23 children of 10 years with the familial or polygenic hypercholesterolemia, the effect of soy foods on lowering the cholera are compared to the diet with a low standard fat. The result tells us that the diet substituting 15 to 20 grams of soy protein for animal protein is more beneficial in lowering the cholesterol than a standard normal fat (University of Maryland).
Thus it can be said that soy and other organic compounds contains many important minerals that are essential for a human body.
Soy. University of Maryland. Retrieved from: 

Friday, 14 February 2014

The Piano Lesson- August Wilson

The piano lesson was an overwhelming play written by August Wilson that mainly describes the struggle between the siblings over the ancestral inheritance that is piano that was carved by the images of their African ancestors and the image if their grandfather. This play was seemed to be accurate for that time as racism between the black and white men was at top and this play also highlights this thing.  The plays also concentrate on the importance of the culture and the inherited pieces. Most of the scenes would remain same as still in the modern society we are losing and forgetting the importance of our heritage. The paper analyzes the themes and the characters of the play that are still consistent in the Pittsburgh society. Most of the play is still applicable and reliable in today’s society as still the black are termed as inferior, the class of slaves.
Boy Willie and Berniece plays important characters in the play and both have their own significance. Boy Willie was an impulsive and fats talking brother of Berniece. The play starts when he came back from Mississippi to sell his piano and to take the land where his father worked as a slave. He was having a firm belief that black men are equal to white men and he acted steadily in the whole play. He knows the consequences of this as he had also a risk of being murdered for raising the voice but he stood firm and said that black men should also stand on the top like white men. Boy wants to sell the piano to secure his future and he doesn’t worry about the legacy while his sister signifies the importance of cultural and inherited items. Berniece was the sister of Boy Willie and she was a guard and was protecting the piano for being sold as she like to saves his ancestral things. (Bogumil, 1999)
I think that the play was awesome and if is dramatized again many acts and scenes would remain consistent as still there is a gap between the white and the black men in the American society. Blacks are still considered as inferiors and they are often made slaves so Boy Willie reactions and his desires would remain same. Both main characters that are Boy Willie and Berniece play their best role and both shows that they are going in the right way as their thinking was different. Boy Willie wants to sell his piano that was their heritage and own the land that they had been working on for several years as slaves and Berniece was against this but Boy Willie doesn’t understand the knowledge that Berniece had.
The foremost conflict of this play was the piano that Boy Willie was in favor to sell while his sister was determined to keep the ancestral legacy with them. This conflict would still be reliable as there are still many blacks in Pittsburgh with several of them having their ancestors as slaves. His desire was to transform the past by changing the future. Although at the end he realized that he should change the future by keeping the past as it is. (Study Guide)
Most of the scenes and dialogues of Boy Willie would be the same as in the American society there is still discrimination and black are often made slaves.
"If my daddy had seen where he could have traded that piano in for some land of his own, it wouldn’t be sitting up here now. He spent his whole life farming on somebody else's land. I ain’t gonna do that. See, he couldn’t do no better. When he come along he ain’t had nothing he could build on. His daddy ain’t had nothing to give him. The only thing my daddy had to give me was that piano. And he died over giving me that. I ain’t gonna let it sit up there and rot without trying to do something with it."
“If Berniece don’t want to sell that piano…I’m gonna cut it in half and go on and sell my half.”  (Wilson)
These dialogues of Boy Willie would still be applicable as this shows his determination and willpower to buy that land in which they were slaves but now they have the opportunity to pay for the land and become the masters of it. He was not in the favor of keeping the ancestral legacy although at the end of the play he finally understands that there is no way that he could escape from it and he had to succeed in his life by keeping his ancestral legacy and learning from the past.
After analyzing the two main characters and their role in the present society it is concluded that my views are very clear about the play. The play had highlighted many issues regarding our society and now we again want such plays which can highlight the current issues in such a nice manner. In my view the play was an important step for the African Americans that have highlighted the slavery.

Bogumil, Mary L. (1999) Understanding August Wilson. University of South Carolina Press
August Wilson’s The Piano Lesson. Study Guide. Retrieved from:

Wilson, August (n.d) The Piano Lesson, Act 1, Scene 2.

Language theory

Ludwig Wittgenstein was an Austrian-British philosopher who put his efforts primarily in logic, the philosophy of mathematics, of mind, and the philosophy of language. The picture theory of language is a theory of linguistic meaning and reference expressed by him in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. It is the single book published by Wittgenstein. He recommended that a meaningful proposal pictured a state of affairs. The theory resulted because of the comparison of logical pictures with the spatial pictures. This picture theory of language is considered an early correspondence speculation of truth.
The theory of language states that the statements are meaningful only if they can be defined or depicted in the real world. The picture theory is an anticipated description of the relative of representation. This view is occasionally called the picture theory of language, but Wittgenstein has also discussed various representative relationships, including the non-linguistic pictures like the photographs and the sculptures. For him, propositions are the pictures. Language is used to construct or create these pictures. Wittgenstein's theory is one which illustrates on the visual analogy in particular as the proposals are themselves a collection of facts not only mental representations.
This theory states that if a statements picture the world i.e. if a proposal is made that there is a tree in the garden, than the statement is only meaningful and accurate when it actually represent it in the world and only if there is a tree in the garden; but if there is no tree than the proposition does not precisely portrait the world. It is actually the relationship between the language and the world i.e. what can be said to what can be shown.
The illustrative form of a proposition is best captured in the pictographic form of thinking, as it consists only of illustrative form. This pictorial form is a valid structure. Wittgenstein believed that the parts of the logical structure of consideration must in some way be in contact with words as parts of the coherent structure of propositions.

One product of the picture theory is that a priori truth does not have any existence. Truth only comes from the precise and correct representation of a position of associations (i.e., some feature of real world) by any representation (i.e., a proposition). It is said that the entirety of true beliefs is a picture of world. Thus without setting a proposition up adjacent to the real world, it cannot be told that whether the proposition is accurate or fake.

Phillosophy - Civillization

Mr. Lenox Remond (1842) in his speech of the Rights of colored Citizens in travelling had said that the rights, privileges, civil liberties and immunities are all measured upon the complexion of the citizens. Normally it is said that all the people are equal but that’s not at all the case if it would have been than no discrimination would have occur. He had said that he as a colored man is exposed in his own country while in other countries such as England and Scotland he had been treated in private and public respectfully without even noticing the complexion. While travelling he had highlighted that complexion matters more than the personality. The conductor had ordered the other two people who were sitting beside him to get out of the carriage. It is so humiliating to not to know about the person’s character but judging him as per his color complexion. He felt that he was just separated because of the color. It should not happen. The people are not of the color by their choice, they should be treated with justice and humanity.
            Mercer Langston (1855) in his speech of there is no full enjoyment for anyone in This Country has said that we see that even the eagle’s hates confinement and cage. In the same way we should accept that the man should be freed and independent s every man is equal and no one is allowed to make any one slave. Every one has feelings which he wish to complete in his life but we see that no one today is impendent and every one is covered with so many problems. It should be taken into notice that we are living in an modern age but still we have some people which are of old styles and wanted to have slaves. They should understand that a man is born independent; this is the biggest reason why all men should be remaining sovereign. This tells us that slavery is not a good thing and we should try our best to eradicate it.
            C. Nell (1855) Schools are the place for learning but now it has became the place in which students tries to become superior to another. It has been seen that the rights of the children are not properly followed by the administration and they just keep on looking when these rights are violated. The basic principle is that every student is equal and has same right of education regardless of his cast, creed or color. Mostly it is not observed in the institutions. The students are equal and have equal right to get education and knowledge. We should encourage every child to learn and to go schools but they are afraid of racialism. So we ought to terminate this custom.

Overall the philosophy of civilization has been explained in all the three speeches that there is no respect for the colored people and the slaves. They are not treated like they are even humans. Although in Langston’s speech he has highlighted that anti- slavery movement was also started which did have little but some effect on the people. The comparison between all three is that all three are based on the color complexion of the people by which they are not treated like other white men. Thus the point is that every person regardless of their color should be treated with respect.
  •   Lenox Remond, Charles (25 Feb, 1842). The Rights of Colored Citizens in Travelling.
  • Mercer Langston, John (9 May, 1855). There is no full enjoyment of freedom for anyone in this country.
  • C. Nell, William (17 Dec, 1855). The Triumph of Equal school Rights in Boston. 

Friday, 24 January 2014

Learning: A Social Process

In this paper, I am going to explain what is learning? Whether it is really a social process or not? This essay will entail my arguments in either favor or against the title of the topic. I will give proclamations as to why I agree with the statement and why not? I will also put forward some arguments in an attempt of explaining the thesis statement. Relevant facts and figures will be given in the context. In order to explain the topic, certain related theories to the process of social learning will also be the subject of study.These theories will be discussed in the most appropriate context. I will discuss important points of the theories in an attempt to cover all the required aspects.
Learning is whenever someone tries to act and learn some knowledge, skill, value and behavior and an attempt modify it. It goes on while the people pass through different life stages from schooling to personal development to get education and training. All the activities and operations that are carried out by the individuals while interacting with one another come under the heading of social process. So, in social processes people interact and coordinate with one another and as a result of social process, they not only learn things but also establish relationships.
“To analyze the concept of learning as social process with respect to our interaction and communication with others in the context of theoriesand literature given by various scholars
Whenever people interact with others they get into the process of learning so, while they are socializing, they are learning as well. This concept of learning as a social process is supported by many fields of study like anthropology, sociology and psychology. When people are getting their education in schools and colleges or are playing, socializing in parties, they are learning side by side. These setups are societies, communities, work organizations, work places and class room environments. A lot of studies and researches are done to support the idea of the topic. A study conducted by Linda et al in Standford University is also of the same view.
Based on interactions between individuals, it is stated that learning is a social process. The examples for these interactions can range from the relation of student with teacher to large research teams in industries. So social learning is a typical concept from what people learn individually. This concept is applied as a result of the studies done by Talcott in the field of sociology, Edmund Husserl in the field of philosophy and many others.Authors stated that learning a social process and not an individualistic process because people learn better in groups by interacting with others. That is why all learning institutions like schools and colleges make these groups and interactions of students with their colleagues and teachers. This is why students, are not asked to read and learn at home individually but to become the part of these interactive groups. If the learning would have been possible individually then institutions would have used these processes or the people would not have chosen to go either toschools or to work places. This concept of learning as a social process has been put forward by many researchers and writers.
In addition to it, Vygotsky’s Theories of learning also supports the idea of collaborative learning and communication. He further explained his verdict with the help of teachers and students behavior in the process of learning.Teachers communicate his/her message with the help of directed conversation while students express their views with the help of language. Language aids them to be intentional rather than impulsive in their attitude to compositeglitches.When the teacher associates his/her instructional program by interests and experiences of students then will be more involved with the application of ideas thus, accelerated their learning process. Consequently, knowledge is constructed on the base ofinteraction & communication and it can be shaped with our capabilities and core competencies which are exhibited in our dealings. These core competencies become part of our culture and language is the major element of cultural activities, rational and thinking like reading and writing (Tharp, 2000).
According to social learning theories, models are important sources for learning new behaviors and for achieving behavioral change in existing settings. Julian rotter constructed many theories based on psychosis, behaviorism and developed learning theory while Albert bandura expanded the rotter’s ideas. Albert bandura which proposed a theory that observation can occur in relation to three models; live model (In which an actual person is representing the desired behavior), verbal instruction (In which an individual describes the desired behavior in detail and instructions about how to engage in that behavior) and symbolic (In which means of the media including movies, televisions, radio, internet etc. are used. This type of modeling involves real character demonstrating the behavior).Furthermore, Bandura also proposed that this process involves several steps that are attention, retention, reproductionand motivation (Bandura, 1973).

Albert presented his theory in 1977, according to which learning is to be done with the interactions of environment. This process deals with observational learning which means that when people live in an environment and interacts with it in different ways then automatically learning habit develops. Imitation of models is the common behavior among people of all age groups whether adults or children. Children usually seek more from their surrounding like by watching TV, from parents and also interacting from other people around them. It means behavior automatically changes as the environment changes moreover; it is also clear from this concept that learning is a social process (Bandura, 1977).

·         Bandura, A. (1977). Social Learning Theory. New York: General Learning Press.
·         Bandura, A. (1973). Aggression: A Social Learning Analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
   Tharp, R. G., Estrada, P., Dalton, S., & Yamauchi, A. (2000). Teaching transformed: Achieving excellence, fairness, inclusion, and harmony. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Argument on advertising ethics

The ethic is a very important feature in the advertisement industry. It is a set of principles which administer the ways of communication taking place between the consumers and the sellers. An ethical advertisement is the one which conveys complete facts without the use of any lie or false statements. 
Galbraith argument
            His argument shaped the thoughts of many people he had argued that the people treat the ads as a weapon directed at the people who are helpless to resist. He had said, “a direct link between the production and the wants is provided by the modern advertiser.” His argument only makes sense if the whole mankind is the matter of motivation provoking automatic response.  Galbraith believed that the people after viewing the advertisements are unable to resist and would go for buying the product whether it is beneficial for them or not. He argues the theory of the production as the creator of the wants. Galbraith says that the wants are dependent on. But it can be true as people wants are dependent upon the knowledge of the products.
Hayek argues

            F. A von Hayek says that advertising respects consumer sovereignty. It is the economic principle by which the customer decides the production of the goods. This means if there are more consumers in the market for a certain product the more its sales will be and it means the more is the product desirable. The company will advertise the product in the market so that people will know that the product is available and they will start buying it. (Machan, Chesher, 2002)
  1. R. Machan, Tibor &  E. Chesher, James (2002). A Primer on Business Ethics. Rowman & Littlefield

Business ethics; Principles & Benefits

Seven principles of splendid business ethics
There are seven principles through which a brand can have long term success. They are
·         Be trustful
It is a natural thing that the big and recognized customers like to do the business with the trusted company. So if anyone wants to achieve their goals they must develop a trust among their customers. In this way their business will be increased a lot.
·         Keep an open mind
The owner of the company must be open minded if he wanted to grow his company. He should seek new ideas and should take feedbacks from his customers and his employees so that he may develop new and better things in future.
·         Meet obligations
If any company wants to develop trust among their customers then it should meet their obligations and should meet their complains. Even if the company is right and the customer is wrong, it should listen to the customer’s complaint and try their best to resolve it.
·         Have clear documents
The company should make it sure that all his advertisements are concise and helpful for the customers. They should not be misprint or misinterpret. They should be easily read by the customers so customers will be attracted to their products. Clear cut information should be given to the customers.
·         Become community involved
It should remain involved in the community activities. To display their company as a responsible contributor, it should bring the products which are suitable for their activities.
·         Maintain accounting control
It should take complete control of accounts and other financial things. Not a single question should be raised against them. This is the best way to increase their reputation.
·         Be respectful
The company should meet others with extreme respect. It should know how to give respect to others and especially their customers. It should meet everyone in a professional manner. (Machan, 1999)
Advertising and Ethics
            Advertising is the best way of doing business and it is a form of promotion. Advertising is like an application. The company asks their customers to take an interest in their products. They hope that their product meets the people’s demands completely. In advertisements the complete truth is not revealed. They did not tell whole things about their products. Most of the companies just tell the attracting things about their products and their effects are not mentioned. In these cases to gain knowledge about the product is only the buyer’s responsibility.
            Advertising is not mainly for transmitting the whole story about the product but it is only for calling the attention of the customers to that particular thing. As there are many misconceptions shown in the advertisement so the person’s common sense is tested here. It is now very common that the goal of advertisements is not to convey the complete and total information about the manufactured goods. Only the good qualities are mentioned in the ads while it  is left  up to the person  to search  for  its  faults. Some ads like make-up and cosmetics does not tell the whole truth they neither lie but the complete truth is also missing in the ad. This makes the ad give a positive effect on the consumers and highlight the advantages of the product.
            If companies will tell complete information about their goods to the customers then it will have the positive impact of the advertisements. This will create more desire among their customers and they will know that this company is trusted, this will not give us any wrong product. If this trend will be adopted then definitely the advertisements will create desire among the consumers. Although this will decrease their sale at once but ultimately they will be benefited in the future. In this way the trust is developed and the consumers then take only that product which is reliable and of which they know everything.
Benefits of Advertising
            Advertisements are proving to be very beneficial for both customers and the company. It creates desire among the customers through which they buy that good. In this way, the benefit goes to the company as their product is sold. In other manner, the customers are acknowledged with the new goods and promotional offers through advertisements.
            There are many other benefits of advertisement too. Due to an advertisement we enjoy the cable TV in low cost. We don’t have to pay much for it as the cable operators or the channel operators get their operational cost from these advertisements and we benefit from lower cost network TV. 

Advertising Ethics

Advertising is a form of communication for marketing. It is used to encourage and motivate the people to attract them to that particular thing. Advertising is the best way to persuade people to use that thing. It can change minds of the people and people can have both positive and negative changes. As advertising is now used in every type of business so its use has been vast. Many things are used for advertisement like radio, posters, television, social sites and other things. Commercial advertisers market their products by branding. Advertisements are a form of promotion of the products through electronic and print media. It is the non personal communication of information which is persuasive in nature about some products.
Ethics in advertising
            There are several things which are brought into consideration when we talk about ethics in advertising and promotion. The content of the advertisement is the main issue in ethics. Sometimes the content is not ethical like in the 1940s an d1950 tobacco was advertised as a  symbol of health. This is now finished but now many other things that are immoral and illegal are shown in the advertisements.
            Another issue that is most discussed in advertisement is deceptive advertisement. According to the study conducted by Hassib Shabbir and Des Thwaites 73.5% ads were deceptive and they were using deceptive marketing practices. That’s why we should also conduct our own research before buying any product as the marketing is not reliable and they often mislead us. The ethic is a very important feature in the advertisement industry. It is a set of principles which administer the ways of communication taking place between the consumers and the sellers. An ethical advertisement is the one which conveys complete facts without the use of any lie or false statements. They should be present in a state of simplicity and decency. Ethical advertisements also depend upon the beliefs of the people if the peoples' beliefs are in accordance with the ads than the advertisement is said to be ethical and presents a positive result. Ethics should be presented in the advertisement, this makes an ad effective. (MSG)
Unethical pricing tactics

            There are many ways of pricing a product and many companies use unethical ways of pricing. These ways of pricing practices are variable pricing, bid rigging, dumping, price fixing, price war, price skimming, predatory pricing and price discrimination.

Change is necessary

The changes in the eating habits and food cultivation are necessary for human survival. Different researches have said that the food and eating habits are necessary for the mankind to survive in this world. These items of food and its cultivation must be changed after a certain time period.
            The world is moving forward and the number of people is also growing. Due to this advancement many changes have been made in the life style of human beings. Most of the people are now getting health conscious and the cultivation of food are also developed to meet the demands of the growing population. Therefore a hypothesis can be made that “if the changes in the eating habits are necessary for the survival it must be significant and of a great need for the continued existence of the human race.”
Thesis statement
            The changes in human eating habits are of significance and a great need for the survival of the human beings.
            In this paper it is stated that the changes in the human eating habits and food cultivation have a significant and major effect on the existence of the human race.  It is the fact that we are moving forward in the world and now it has been the demand of this era to change ourselves according to this advancement. The diet plan of people should vary according to the environments to remain fit. Healthy eating habits must be promoted. Peoples are totally dependent on food and if they will have the healthy food then definitely they will remain fit. Physical exercises also play a major role to keep a person fit.  Food is the fuel of the people and if this fuel will be in better condition than the person will also be in better condition. For this we must bring changes in our eating behavior.
            Another issue of this time is the growing population. The cultivation should also be increased so that everyone in this world will have sufficient food for him. It is now observed that in this era of globalization, many people even today can’t have their food properly. They do not have sufficient food for them. The government should also pay attention to this issue and it should increase the cultivation are so that more food can be grown which meets the requirement of the people. This paper emphasizes upon the fact that both the food production and cultivation must be increased to meet the demands of the increasing population.
            It is concluded that in this paper we have given the solution of the problems regarding the cultivation of food. The changing in the eating behavior and the cultivation of food holds great significance in our paper. Healthy food really influences as humans are dependent so much on food so in their lives.  If one wants to keep themselves fit then they have to eat healthy food. The government should also pay attention to the cultivation and should also concentrate to increase the cultivation as the number of people is growing day by day.   Overall in this paper it has been emphasized that the eating habits and the food cultivation must be changed according to the needs of the people to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Friday, 10 January 2014


Classical music that is based upon the western traditions is one of the  most popular type of music and it is also heard by many people. It is found that classical music was started in the nearly 11th century but its main practice period was between 1550 to 1900. But still it is heard as it is also based upon the secular trend.
            I think that the people of 18th century liked to hear this as at that time there was no other famous type of singing, while on the other hand the classical music is the symbolization of the traditions of that time. Therefore, people enjoyed hearing this type of songs. Modern listeners also enjoy to hear classical singing when they wanted to relax as it is very charming and one feels too much relaxed after hearing classical songs. Classical songs hold its own significance and it is still considered as a quality music. 

            Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a productive and dominant composer of the era of classical singing. He started composing at the age of five years and showed his great talent from the beginning of his career. He continued to struggle hard from its childhood and his talent and hard work was proved when he had composed more than 600 works. Early success was a great hint to the world that a great and talented person is coming soon to the world.The idea of a child star is appealing as they produce the art in a natural way, the early success impacts that the world realizes the value and talent of the person. Mozart was a real genius and talented person from its childhood and classical music got such a composer which has composed different symphonies, concertos and operas. He has composed for the future generations too and he was a figure between the classical and romantic eras. 

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling

Harry potter is a heroic character in the series of the fantasy novels of J.K Rowling. The first book named ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone’ highlights the starting of a series which is based upon the story of a daring and brave boy named Harry. The books accounts the adventures of a wizard, Harry Potter and his friends Ronald and Hermione, all of whom are the learners at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The main story concerns the Harry's expedition to conquer the Darkest wizard of their times the Lord Voldemort, whose ambitions are to be converted into immortal, defeat the wizarding world, overpower the non-magical people, and demolish all those who are in his way, particularly Harry Potter. 
From the starting of Rowling’s novel the youthful character, Harry Potter, is recognized as a hero by his Professor McGonagall.  As the novel persists, Harry go aboard on a magnificent journey to discover his true identity, helping other people, becoming a champion and a leading character. Harry have formed a heroic image in the whole novel.
Act One (1) Ordinary World - Like every hero, Harry’s expedition also begins from an ordinary world. For Harry, his everyday world is living in a small cupboard under the stairs of his aunt’s house. Harry for the ten years of his life has been under the attack at the Dursley’s. He was never given any importance in that house.  
(2) Call To Adventure - The journey prolongs once unsuspectingly acknowledged into Hogwarts School and Harry collects his call to the adventure. The invitation was received through owls and finally from Hagrid. Hagrid is the game keeper as well as the keeper of the grounds of the school. The Dursley’s have tried to stop these invitations but Hagrid had burst into their house and told Harry that he is a wizard and is accepted in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
 (3) Reluctant – Harry seems very reluctant towards his new identity. Feeling inadequate and insufficient, the young hero gets it hard to seize the concept that he is actually a wizard. Ultimately, Harry perceives his fresh and innovative reality and the journey begins. Harry had visited with Hagrid to buy his books of the Wizarding School. Harry finds comfort at the school as he meets his new best friends Ron and Hermione.
(4) Wise Old Person – Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is the headmaster of the Wizarding School. Harry finds him the most trusted person. He helped him to fight in all the stages of his adventures. Professor always tell him about the things which were new to him. 
Act Two (5) Special World – Harry finds his special and wizarding world very adventures.  Very first of all Harry was intrigued by the way of entering into the school and to be seated in the train by passing through the pillar. After arriving at the school the Sorting Hat ceremony amazed Harry and sorted him in the house Gryffindor as per his will. 
Harry soon gets involved in all the activities of the school. He also takes part in the Quidditch team of his house Gryffindor. This game is played on the broomsticks in the open air. The teachers of the school are also involved with Harry some have a very polite behavior towards him while some were having impolite behavior. Harry had lessons from the best teachers of the school like Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Quirell. The lessons with professor Snape were always terrible for Harry as something always went wrong in his class. Harry also finds out about the invisibility cloak which was once owned by his father. With the help of this cloak he was able to experience all the adventures with his friends. He had gotten to the restricted area of the library where he has first come across the mirror of erased in which he had seen his parents. The mystery got started at the news of theft at the Gringotts, the bank of the wizards. He gets into the Forbidden Forest where all the actual adventure took place.
(6) Tests, Allies & Enemies - As Harry’s journey persists he finds different allies and come across enemies, like the Malfoys. Malfoy wants to beat Harry in every step of his school life.  His strength, bravery, courage, devotion and loyalty are all tested in this mystery and adventure. 
(7) Innermost Cave – Harry also came across the Mirror of Erised. It was when he entered the forbidden forest to find out about the mystery of the Stone. He had suspected that Snape was the one who wanted to kill him in the Quidditch match but he finds professor Quirell in the inner most cave after going through a series of obstacles. The professor confirmed that he was the one who wanted to kill harry and he is the one whom the Dark lord Voldemort has possessed.  Mirror of Erised is the mirror, which shows the things, which the person has most longed for; but professor Quirrell could see no sign of the Sorcerer’s stone.
 (8) Supreme Ordeal-At Voldemort's request, Quirrell forces Harry to position in face of the Mirror. Harry felt that the Stone drop into his pocket and tries to stall. Quirrell take away his turban, illuminating the face of the Dark Lord on the back of the professor’s head. Harry finds himself to have gotten the stone after passing through Fluffy, than the shess game and finally the mirror. Voldemort or one can say Quirrell made an attempt to grab the Stone from Harry. However merely touching Harry the professor felt that his flesh is caused to burn
 (9) Seizing the Sword - With the power of love and care, Harry once gain defeated the dark Lord and the worst enemy of muggles and the muggle loving wizards and saves the sorcerer’s stone, thus seizing the prize. 
 Act Three (10) The Road Back – At the end when harry was all time suspecting that Professor Snape was the one behind all the mis-happenings found out that it was Lord Voldemort and Professor Quirrell behind all that.
(11) Resurrection – After going through all this i.e. facing the Voldemort and fighting with professor Quirell, Harry was all exhausted and when he awake finds himself in the hospital where professor Dumbledore informed him about his victory over the Dark Lord.
 (12) Return with Elixir – The boy who lived has once again defeated the Dark Lord with his mother’s love that had existed with him since the day his parents die for him.
            Harry thus returned with the stone as he had seen the stone in mirror because he just wanted to find it not to use it to become immortal.