

Friday, 20 December 2013

Precautions in Administering Vaccines

One of the most important steps for administering vaccines is the use of precautions. The person giving vaccines should wash his hands with soap, sterilizer or alcohol based waterless antiseptic. This step should be repeated every time the administrator cleans or diaper the patient. 

Except from clinic policies, the administrator who injects vaccines into the patient does not needs to wear gloves unless the administrator is personally in contact with the patient’s body fluid. But most often the patient have open lesions on the hands that’s why it should be the policy of every clinic to made it compulsory for every administrator who injects vaccines to wear gloves to decrease the risk factors. It should be acknowledged that gloves do not prevent diseases transferred from needle stick injuries. (Vaccine Administration) The administrators should use sterilize syringes and needles; the more convincing is to use disposable needles or syringes as they have no risk factor for transferring disease of one person to another.
The syringes or needles should be auto destructible. The needles which are used once should not be in the condition to use it second time. This method is used to decrease the risk for contamination of the needles or syringes.
The administrator should not mix the vaccines unless it has been allowed by the FDA. The administrator can only combine the vaccines under the condition of patient’s age and explicitly specified on the FDA approved or licensed product list. There are a few number of vaccines which can be combined that’s why the administrator should keep this in priority to not to combine the vaccines. (CDC)
In the end the method to destroy the contaminated vaccines is also one of the important points of the precautions. The method of autoclaving is one of them. This method has a definite process. In this method the syringes or needles are steamed in high temperature. The other method is incineration. In this method a temperature of 850oC is to be maintained. Now this high temperature is affordable by the normal health care centres. Only trained persons should do this process. (World Health Organization) 

CDC, Recommendations and Reports, January 28, 2011, retrieved from,

Management of waste from injection activities at district level, world Health Organization, Retrieved from,

North American Realm

North America is subsequently going through post industrial transformation i.e. the growth and development of the economy. It is an industrial revolution which results in the education rather than the goods. The North American realm includes two countries i.e. United States of America and Canada. 
Physical geography
            North America is very prominent in the world. It is distinct by the water from the north, west and east side. The southern border is more challenging. The challenge if faced bravely and boldly will help them join global economy successfully.
Cultural diversity
Cultural diversity includes languages, traditions, customs and many other things. The culture of North America is changing swiftly. The different cultures of North America effect the global economy.
Economic strengths and weaknesses
The Canadian has the eighth largest and strongest economy in the world as per defined by the International Monetary. The service industry, abundance of natural resources and free trade agreement with many countries play a major role in strengthen the economy. But automobile industry, online shopping and strong regionalism are weakening the North America’s industry.
Regionalism and Ethnicity
The Americans are very ethnic. They are often indulged in regionalism. They discriminate among the black and white peoples. If they will abolish this, it will result very positively. Their economy will be stronger and it will also help the global economy to be sturdier.
Region of North-America problem
One of the biggest problems of the regions of North America is the environment issue. Regional integration effects the environment and national progress. Cultural industries are also affected by the industrial transformation.
Oil in North America
The energy revolution is taking place in North America. Oil is the main source of energy. A new technique of drilling has shown that the vast reserves of oil and other resources are there in North America. In about 2020, America will be able to have 50% of oil from its own homeland.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Nature Vs nurture

 The nature versus nurture debate is concerned within psychology as to whether the behavioral aspects are hereditary or acquired through personal experience. Nature is that characters which are inherited from the nature while nurture is the knowledge or conduct of a person which he learns from environment. 

            The nature defines that the characters or traits of a person are due to the genetic inheritance which continues to generation after generation with small changing’s in them that is called evolution. Genes are transferred from parents to offspring’s and in those genes the traits of a person are recognized. These traits affect the person’s behavior in an environment. While nurture says that a person behaves according to the environmental needs or from the experience a person has from its environment. According to John Watson all the human behavior is due to the environment. A person behaves as per he is taught or in which a person grows up. He had even said that if he is given healthy babies then he will control their environment and grow them up to doctors, engineers, lawyers or even criminals or thieves etc. (Jeffrey, 2009)
              Some say that at the time of birth of a child his mind is totally empty and it can be filled with different thoughts and learning’s as per the environment he is living in this is nurture. The recent studies have shown that the youth who are brought up in the families with criminal history are more into the same path as compared to the ones belonging to decent families having no criminal past. The young people who see their families imprisoned are raised in such conditions by which they seem to think that it is the thing which they also have to follow. It is not in nature that the genes of being a criminal is passed over from generation to generation but it is the nurture i.e. the environment or the surrounding which motivates a youth or do not prevent a youth from entering into criminal activities which will ultimately result them to go to jail because of their illegal activities.
            The families of Jukes and Kallikak were studied for the research to know that the environment plays an important role to make a child a criminal or a decent man. The Jukes family of New York was studied to determine the behavior. A physician named Elisha Harris observed the family up to six generations and often found the people with criminal history i.e. the people were often found to be paupers, vagrants or criminals. In one generation which produces a number of 14 children it was observed that nine of them were imprisoned for 50 years while other five were frequently jailed because of their illegal act. After these observations Richard Dugale deeply studied the family history and concluded that the anti social behavior of the people was due to the environmental factors that this family faced rather than the hereditary factors. The poor conditions of the family did not prevent the persons to stop the illegal activities and move themselves to a healthy lifestyle. After Richard’s death his idea was reinterpreted and it was said that the criminal behavior of the family was due to the genes that passed into the family from generation to generation. (Jukes Family)
            The other family studied under the nature versus nurture debate was the Kallikak family which was headed by Martin Kallikak , from which two descendents family arose; one from his sexual relations with a feeble minded bar main and one with his honest Quaker women wife. Henry Goddard studied the family and observed that the children from the bar maid were mostly criminals, beggars, thieves or house keepers of the ill reputes. He found that in the descendants of bar maid only 46 were normal, while others were alcoholic, epileptics, feeble minded, sexually immoral and illegitimate. While the descendants of the Quaker Women were more decent and only three were found to be mentally degenerate and two alcoholics. Goddard concluded his studies by saying that all the behavior characters were hereditary not environmental although the conditions and the environment of the two families were not the same. (Kallikak Family) 
                The nature does not enhance a person ability to become a thief it is the surrounding of a person or the experience of a person which he has gained by passing through different stages of life and observing the environment. In nature it is determined that what will be the color of the body, the hair or the height of a person but are the attributes, the personality also present in the genes? Nativists describe the activities of a person that these are all present in the genes which have evolved while the empiricists say that it is all in the nurture. The nature provides the factors for both the good and the bad now it is the nurture by which a person undergoes to inhibit illegal activities or to follow a decent life style. The family environment is the most important factor in the Juvenile Delinquency. The children who see their siblings or family involved in the anti social activities believe that this is the path they should also follow. Children who are in contact with the friends who are involved in such activities or the children who are not treated well in the families get themselves involve in such illegal acts by which they can get themselves in jails. The nature part is not appealing to people as the physical appearance of a person may be genetic but the behavior of a person is not, it just depends on the conditions which a person faces in life. It is true what John Locke has said that a mind is in blank state it is filled as per the knowledge determined by a person’s experience. (Kendra)
Jeffrey S. Nevid, 2009, Psychology: Concepts and Applications, Cengage Learning
Kendra Cherry, What Is Nature Versus Nurture? , Psychology,, Retrieved from,

Affects of the Cliff

Historical Perspective
            Going over the fiscal cliff refers to the facts that all, the Bush tax cuts, AMT and cut payroll taxes are going to expire at the end of 2012.  While the tax increases and spending cuts would reduce the size of the national shortfall, most economists feel that the sudden changes would throw the nation i.e. USA into an additional recession, particularly when the country has been so reliant on the fiscal incentive over the past number of years.
Systems Affected by the Issue
            Through fiscal cliff the American system is affected totally. As it was the bill through which the large number of peoples were forced to give taxes and those who are already giving
The taxes should now give more taxes. It will more affects on the middle class people. The payroll is cut down from 6.2 % to 4.2%.
            Fiscal Cliff has many major issues. These are described as below:
Bush era tax cuts: The president Bush has given the relief to almost every American. It was to be expired on 31 Dec, 2012. Mostly the wealthy people were benefitted from this bill.
Earned income tax and child tax credit: The expansions which are benefitting the poor and the middle class families also were to be expired on Dec 31.
Joblessness benefits: The long term emergency unemployment benefit also has to expire on 31 Dec.
Milk Cliff: The failure to extend the current milk program which was 60 years old can led to the doubling of the milk prices.
Pay freeze in congress: A pay freeze in congress has been effect from 2011. President Obama has lifted it earlier to allow cost of living increase in 2013.
Estate tax: In the start of 2013 the estate tax was scheduled to rise to almost level of 55 which was equal to the Clinton era. The tax exemption of states was going to drop from $5 million to $1million.
Payroll tax holiday: The payroll tax was enacted on 2010. Through this the social workers get their payroll at 4.2% instead of 6.2%. This fund goes to the social security fund.
Substitute minimum tax: It means that it is to assure the wealthy people should pay taxes. ATM is going to threaten the middle class families for giving more taxes.
Pay cut to Medicare doctors: It was legislated in 1997 that the payment of the Medicare doctors will be reduced so that it will be easy to keep Medicare costs on a sustainable path.
Limits on tax deductions and exceptions: The personal exemption phase out (PEP) and limit on the itemized deduction commonly known as Pease were going to take effect from 2013 after being reduced and then eliminated in recent years.
Tax extenders: A package of tax policies is known as Tax extenders. This includes tax breaks for businesses and corporations for the things like research and development. This also benefits for individuals and the policies specific to the energy sector. (Chris, Mattea, 2013)

Important Facts
Some of the important and major facts of the fiscal cliff are:
Ø  The congress have not changed their style of work, if you expect a bill in which it describes the equal parts of tax increases and spending cuts then you don’t know the reality about the congress.
Ø  We all were against the raising of the debt ceiling but again it is being amplified by the media.
Ø  We have not moved away the massive spending cuts. We again have to put them off after two months.
Ø   The $24 billion in cuts and tax increases in the senate bill is a literal drop in a bucket when a country holds $16.4 trillion.
Ø   Instead of this deal the congress has already added $4 billion to the debt over the last decade.
Ø  The paychecks of millions of voters are going to be shrinking.
Ø  This deal allows them to cut social security from 4.2% up to 6.2%.
Ø  The experts are saying that almost 115 billion dollars are the expected money which will be going to the coast of the social security. (Forbes)
            Now the worker’s share is 6.2%. It is just about 160 million people who are working on daily wages will be affected. Those who are earning $113,700 a year will have to pay $2274. They have to put out the added money out of their paychecks from the 15 of February.  If implemented the Plan B was an important step in the fiscal deal as the Republican leaders formerly had persisted that they would not raise any rates on anyone. Obama described the tax rates for those who were earning more than $250,000 threshold to come back to 1990’s level while lengthening the tax cuts for everyone else. The failure of this Plan demonstrated that Boehner does not have a sufficient amount of support by which he can pass any bill related to tax increases.  Due to this Plan B a standard family at the apex 0.1% of cash revenues would get a tax cut of $212,506. The medium earnings family would be granted to take to their residence a tax cut of just $2,012 by evaluating them from the tax changes that were planned for Jan 1 2013. The average family unit in the bottom fifth of the income allocation would be advantageous to the least extent with a tax cut of only $66. By extending the Bush tax cuts would mean that the millionaires would still get a tax cut on their first $1 million of income. Plan B was to be a bonus and the most fortunate thing for the rich in terms of tax rate. A family circle earning $500,000 to $1 million/ year would be having the gigantic federal tax rate cut. While the families making the smallest amount of money would be getting the smallest tax rate cut. In addition to these entire listings, the intact income mass which is making money that is less than $100,000 per year would be getting a smaller tax rate cut on average than the families that are making more than $1 million/ year. (Bonnie, 2012) 


Chris Hellman and Mattea Kramer, (2 Jan 2013), The Fiscal Cliff Deal, National Priorities, Retrieved from,  

Forbes, Five Post 'Fiscal Cliff' Facts to Consider, Retrieved from,

Bonnie Kavoussi (20 Dec 2012), John Boehner's Fiscal Cliff Plan Is Back-Door Tax Cut For Wealthy: Report, The Huffington Post, Retrieved from,

Fiscal Cliff

Fiscal cliff can be defined as the economic face that the United States of America will face at the end of December 2012. Fiscal cliff refers to the sharp decline or the conundrum in the shortage of budget of the U.S due to the increased amount of taxes and the condensed spending. It is also said that it is the termination of all tax breaks and the preface of the tax increases. Fiscal cliff goes side by side with the debt ceiling. Ceiling is the amount set by the Congress that the U.S government could borrow from the Treasury for the public spending. If the debt ceiling is to be raised the amount that the government could borrow also raises.

Different perspectives on the cliff
The United States of America (USA) is today divided when is come to the nation’s debit, especially with respect to fiscal cliff and the debt ceiling. There are those people who support the country in going over the fiscal cliff and not raising the debt ceiling. Their argument is that we as a nation cannot prolong on the current path of expenditure. They also argued that the federal government needs to lessen the spending, cut incentives in order for our current national deficit of 16 trillion dollars to decrease. Of course some of the people making these arguments are just totting political party line, and are waiting to score points against the current administration if the economy falls apart when we go over the fiscal cliff.

There are others who think that going over the fiscal cliff and not raise the debt ceiling is unfavorable for the financial and economical stability of the country. Their argument is that the economy is too fragile & delicate and is still recovering from the 2008-2010 recession, and any financial or economical instability will put the United States into a double douse recession. The taxes will increase They argue farther that, going over the fiscal cliff and not raising the debt ceiling could also affect the world economy the US credit rating and average American financially.
In the fiscal cliff of the U.S many people are involved; the actors and processes and the relevant organizations and entities that are involved can be listed as the President of the U.S i.e. President Barrack Obama, the Congress, Secretary of the Defense, the Law makers, the Federal Reserve, Republicans and even the Senate. Several other bodies also were involved in this issue like the Institute for Marriage, the Human Rights Campaign, the Catholic Church and other such organizations.           
            Those who were involved include President Obama, Joe Biden, John Boehner, Medicare Doctors, Mcconnel, Joe Manchin and many others.
Who Wins? Who Loses?
            Joe Biden, Mitch Mcconnel, President Obama, Joe Manchin, debt ceiling are considers to be the winners of the fiscal cliff. Joe Biden is seemed that he was a personal legislature for the president; as he plays his role each time in the legislation. Obama and his administration understand that Biden is an asset for them.
 This issue was won by the president as he handles this issue very carefully as it seemed that he had learned the lessons from the previous financial fluctuations and he was succeeded to pass the fiscal cliff bill through congress. Through the fiscal cliff the rich people and the elder people feel much relaxed as for them there was a major tax cut.  This deal was not for the social security or for other retirement security programs so in this sense the elders win this issue.
            Debt ceiling which was the demand of President Obama was disappeared when the negotiating tables was created. That’s why it is being though that in February or March there will be another fight for the borrowing limit.
            If we talk about the losers, then President Obama is also one of them and with him there are John Boehner, congress and the New Year’s Eve plan. President Obama loses this issue as the middle class are not pleased with this deal and the rich persons have given the tax cut but for the middle class taxes have been raised.
John Boehner is the republican speaker of the house but he also has to face the defeat. According to his great knowledge of legislation, he had to give a great bargain, which could bring the country into the right financial path. His plan B was failed on the floor of the house. But again it is desired that he maintain his seat in the congress.
If we take about congress than all bad things that people say are absolutely true. The main problem with them is that they wait until the last minute to o anything. They do not do something great but only waits for the date when something big has to be happened. All the members of the congress have done nothing for the debt ceiling or the fiscal cliff but the bad politics. This shows their politically inability and it seems that they do not have political will.  (Chris, 2012)
The fiscal cliff was abolished at the very last minute in the late night and early morning sessions of Congress on New Year. In the 2 am vote on January 1, 2013, the Senate approved the 2012 Act of American Taxpayer Relief. It was agreed with a vast majority.. The Senate House conceded the bill without any alterations. 85 House Republicans and 172 Democrats voted in favor of the Act while 151 Republicans and 16 Democrats were opposed to it. (Final Vote Results for Roll Call 659)


Chris Cillizza, (31 Dec 2012), Winners and losers in the fiscal cliff deal, The Washington Post, Retrieved from,

Final Vote Results for Roll Call 659, Clerk of the United States House of Representatives, Retrieved from,  


This paper mainly discusses the uncertain and the dubious fact of disobedience versus the obedience in the human character and the natural history of human. It will provide the facts and arguments on the subject of disobedience. The normal perspective of a common man is that the person who follows obedience is the best and always does the things right while the person who follows disobedience is a corrupt person and is not able to be trusted.  It is normally said that obedience is a high virtue thing while disobedience is a fault.
Disobedience is actually an action; to be obedient is very easy you just have to move with the stream. To be acting disobediently means to take a risk and a disobedient person nearly for all time realizes the penalty of his actions. Therefore it can be said that disobedience is an expression of character, thoughts and constructive approach. It is also one step ahead when it is compared to obedience, as it can possibly result in some changes or innovations. A person has not only a lawful but a moral duty to obey just laws. On the contrary, a person has a moral duty to disobey the unjust laws. (Luther, 1963). Disobedience is also evident of someone’s ethical and moral values whereas obedience does not give an opportunity to express these morals.
It is rightly said that history set in motion with an act of disobedience and it is not improbable that it will be ended by doing some act of obedience.  It has been come into account that all the great things that have happened in the history of humans are just because of the acts of disobedience, if disobedience will not be performed than anything new will not be created. Each man is free to make his own decisions, he is able to do whatever he wants by his own choice, without the influence of society, or even his own conscious. Most people follow obedience just because they think that obedience provides them social security and a feeling of respect. Each man should stand against the rules and should tell the world that what he is saying might be true he does not have to be right only if he follows obedience, each one should have the courage to go against the society and against the laws of obedience to create something new, innovating and fresh. Fresh ideas and new inventions will only take place when an act of disobedience is observed.
Fromm (2011) had said that people have evolved just because the act of disobedience, if it will not be present among the humans than they will be in a still place, nothing would have been created. He says that if disobedience is not observed then it means that the people involved are not able to think their own ways they just follow the things they are told is right for them. But as it is applied to every thing that extremism is not favorable in all ways, in such a way all obedience is not bad and all acts of disobedience is not right also. A person has to decide that which act is favorable for him than judge it on the scale of obedience and disobedience. He has divided obedience into two categories i.e.  heteronomous obedience and autonomous obedience. The first one refers to the obedience to a person or any institution that involves the renunciation of our independence and the acceptance of the other’s will and the autonomous is an affirmation, one’s own assurance and judgment that is a part of a person. The first can be said to the obedience to exterior thoughts and power while the second one is said to be the ability to be and to judge one’s own self.
The counter argument to this topic presents the view that if disobedience to laws will be observed then peace will start to demolish. The ethical values will be neglected and the world will present a picture of people living in a criminal situation. They say that laws are made to be followed so that people could live a healthy, peaceful and steady life with no hustle and bustle. Disobedience can be performed in the favor of mankind’s interest or against their interests to harm their feelings. When crimes such as thefts and murders occur, they are all an act of disobedience in the reaction of hate, gain or personal malevolence. Civil disobedience is the law breaking but in certain situations only. It results into crimes. (Feinberg, 1992) 
 Disobedience is only expressed when people find courage in their selves to think aloud and stand up for their ideas and decisions. If a man only obeys all the laws then it will be just like to act as a slave that you can not think of anything to make your way. It can be concluded that if blind obedience to the authority is observed that declare the absolute nonsense which does not seize, then the humanity will destroy the civilization and all life upon earth. Thus in the process of evolution and change disobedience is necessary but it should be performed within the laws of humanity.
Works Cited

  2. Luther King, Martin (1963). LETTER FROM BIRMINGHAM JAIL. Bates College. <  >
  3. Feinberg, Joel (1992). Freedom and Fulfillment: Philosophical Essays. Princeton University Press

Friday, 13 December 2013

Ingvar Kamprad: Wealthy Man, Frugal Man, Entrepreneur Extraordinaire

Ingvar Kamprad, a Swedish business magnate, illustrates that he is the boss and a manager, into which he promotes steadiness and constancy, by the qualities of commencements at the work. He acquires his as well as of his staff ideas and use them for the further success of IKEA. He is established as one of the most victorious leaders as he looks for a change and also search for new advancements to the problems. He has worked very hard to build up the corporation and then accomplished triumph from his thoughts and ideas. He has a thriftiness attitude as he alleged that there were no warranties to success lacking the hard work. He had never been money careless or inefficient person. It can be said by the fact that he has never travelled in first class. (Farfan, 2011) He as a manager and a leader have made it a routine that all the IKEA staff either senior executives or managers; they will all travel in an economy class. (Bernhardt, 2005)
            He has always worked on the theory that we must not waste our money. What we have in the present age is not guaranteed that the same we will have in the future. So everyone should try his best to save money. It is for sure that wealth is just a matter of time. It is not necessary that if at present age something is under one’s ownership than in the future it will remain in the same hands. To be successful in life and to always lead a happy life we should follow the path of Kamprad had set. He is the director of one of the biggest company related to furniture. But he lives in a simple life and saves his money for the future. He had always economized himself when purchasing any thing for himself. He is the role model of many persons in his simple and easy life. Kamprad had encouraged the group by his own viewpoint. He had said that if there is such an item as a good guidance and leadership, it is to present an excellent example.
The nature of follower ship that Kamprad seems to give confidence at IKEA is that of efficient and helpful followers. His workers ought to be responsible in their duty, active and self-directed in their deeds. All of the staff must be decisive in their ideas and highly occupied in their occupation as visible with IKEA achievement. The actuality that one chief feature of IKEA appeared to be for the reason that of a member of staff, expresses that how vital are the ideas. The workers are at all times kept provoked by Ingvar as he prolongs to reveal and replicate what he has been taught. He supports and persuades the scholarly and logical expansion and growth.
The leadership orientation used by a successful leader Ingvar is that of a 9 + 9 group director or manager.   He exercises a paternalistic move towards the company which means to give a father figure. In the company’s best he proceeds to the fact that of “a father knows best”. This is portrayed by his constrain for income and revenues and his pursuit, the mission, to the betterment of his staff employees. He shares his viewpoints and experiences with them.  He always tell his workers about what he has learned and would like them to not be wasteful and lavish in spending and to constantly think ahead of the contemporary way to better the things.     
Ingvar Kamprad is a transformational, transactional, charismatic and an authentic leader. He exhibits all the qualities. (Mullins, 2010) Transactional headship is referred as an individual with rewards, prizes and penalties that will help the person to shape his personality and behavior. Ingvar was at all times ready to accept any mistake if happened and learn from it. This is a true leader who after exposing his weaknesses and qualities comes out in the public as a positive director. Transformational leadership was also found in Ingvar. It amplifies a company’s presentation and motivates the followers to greater levels of the performance. The components found in Ingvar as a transformational leader are as an; intellectual simulator: when a leader drives his supporters to be innovative and find new ways of performance at work place, as an inspirational motivator. When the leader’s actions offer meaning and significance to the followers, giving an individual consideration; when a leader supply his time to pay attention to his workers and giving an idealized influence i.e. a leader’s charm and allure and the respect of his admirers.
Kamprad has a charismatic specialty in his leadership also. His charisma assists him to move towards his subsidiaries and persuades them. His performances at work place build up the culture of the company.
As per to Mullins, (2010) many investigation studies have assembled with little victory trying to recognize common qualities of dissimilar leaders. However some common traits are found among the leaders so it is probable to make out some of the guidance individualities for flourishing leaders such as intelligence, self-confidence and initiative.
Ingvar Kamprad had these qualities in his personality. Making blunders and inaccuracies was all right for Ingvar. He used to say that only the people who are asleep cannot make any mistakes. He was a self-assurance leader. In earlier times when he was setting up his production, the dealers of Sweden started approaching suppliers so as to not to give him raw materials. Kamprad in this situation acts fast by leaving to Poland to purchase material from there to mount up his new business of receiving meridian, which illustrates that he was very initiative.
The qualities of an authentic leader are that they act with reliability, they encourage the people for their creativity, listen enthusiastically, organize time schedules, have tolerance and compassion and they give importance to the associates of the group. All of these qualities are found in Ingvar which makes him an authentic leader.

            The major leadership lesson learnt from Kamprad’s experiences is that one must be able to accept his mistakes. Because a person can not always be correct, he is at fault in some part of life. Mistakes are a must ingredient on the road of success. One must develop thriftiness and frugality in his personality to become a refined leader like Ingvar Kamprad. A leader like Kamprad will only be formed if one develops the leadership qualities like him and work economically.
Barbra Fartan (2011), IKEA Founder Ingvar Kamprad Quotations About IKEA Retailing and Management, Retrieved from,
Ken Bernhardt (2005), IKEA crafted itself into a cult brand, Retrieved from, 
Mullins, L. (2010), Management & Organisational Behaviour, Pearson Education

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


Communication is a process in which people share information, ideas and feelings. It involves not only the verbal, written words but also personal gesture, body language and style- whatever thing that adds meaning to a message.
            There are almost 6 types of communication. They are as follows
1 Intra Personal :  In this type of communication the person is communicating with his own thought, feelings, ideas, reasoning, analysis, self awareness, problem solving , self control etc. Carl Rodgers had said that it is very important for one’s self.
2 Inter Personal :  It is called one to one person communication. Usually it is informal and unstructured. It helps a person to share his ideas and feelings with the other.
3 Small Group:  When there is a small group that is when a few people get together to communicate with each other than this is called small group communication.
4 Public: This type of communication is used when the changing of attitudes, opinion, value and purposefully sharing of others and to raise the morale of the people is a type of this communication.
5 Mass communication: It is of large scale. Here the audience is of millions. Many devices and ways are used for this type of communication.
6 Others: The ethical and inter cultural talks are the type of others communication. (Leena, 2004)
Ways of communication
            There are now many ways for communication. It can be written, oral, face to face and online. The historical usage is seemed to be very difficult but as it was necessary it was adopted on a large scale. In the history, horses were used to send the messages to different areas. They transfer the messages several miles away. They are used to put cables in military service. (Christopher, 2008)Then the Pigeons were started using to transfer the message. Special persons were arranged that are used to train the pigeons and then those pigeons transfers the message.
            Then telegraphy was used to communicate with each other. Then after a lot of research, when the radioactive rays were discovered the wireless set was introduced. These wireless sets composed of three components: sender, receiver and the radioactive rays. These rays proved to be very beneficial for the world. On the theory of these rays, radio was invented. Popoof and Marconi are considered to be their inventors. This radio was converted into its better form that is called FM.
            In radio only the voice signals were transferred and in the same way the video signals were transferred that is now called television. It is the best way to communicate. In television the voice and video signals are transferred simultaneously.
            When the television was discovered it was considered that this will be the best ever invention but now more inventions has been made. The use of the internet and other ways are the latest inventions in the field of communications.
Components of communication
            There are many components that make up a communication. First of all the context must be included. Context includes perspective and internal and external stimuli. In the context background, country, field, culture and releigon is considered. Another major component is the sender and the receiver. The sender sends a message and a receiver receives it. There are many mediums that are used to communicate with each other. If we discuss it in detail then with the passage of time these mediums also get changed. Moving towards the advancement, all these gadgets are also using different mediums.
            The sender uses to send the data using different techniques. Then the communication medium encodes the data into the form through which it can take data and then the receiver decodes the data to the form in which the receiver can take that data. There is a process of communication in which many things are involved.
In the beginning the data was transferred with the help of radioactive rays . This was a great discovery because the speed of these rays was 3 lac kilometers per second. The total diameter is less than this speed so the data is transferred in less than a second. This medium was great discovery but when the fiber optic cable was introduced the whole world move towards a new era of communication. This cable is as thin as hair and but its quality is great. Many people can communicate together at the same time. Another important factor is the feedback. It is the behavior of a receiver, it tells us that whether the communication was effective or not. (Mellor, 1990)
            There are many benefits of communication. If we see the history than it was seen that people faced much difficulty to communicate with each other and the speed of communication was so slow that the message that was to be delivered looses all its value till it is reached by the receiver. Many scientists researched in this field as the country's defense needs it most. If any country wants to improve his defense then he has to built great ways of communication.
            If the forces of their army will communicate with each other than they can produce best strategy to become victorious and to defeat their enemies with mutual cooperation. Nowadays there are many ways of communication which are not only beneficial to the army but now they are giving benefits even to the common man. (Singla, 2009)
            A man in a street now has his own cell phone. Through his cell phone he used to communicate with his relatives, friends or anyone he wants to talk. Due to the advancement in communication, there are now many ways that are used by the public to be benefitted.
            The main advantage is for the security of the country. The army, the public and everyone are getting advantage from different ways of communication. Religious meetings can be held to spread the knowledge of their religion all around the world. Trade is possible only if the communication is applied between people.
Significance of communication
            Significance of communication is discussed in points as below:
  • Help in education
  • Help with human resources
  • Better social aspect
  • Develop leadership qualities
  • Transfer of ideologies
  • Enhance reading habits
  • Helpful in job opportunities
  • Guarantee of success in career.
  • It makes easy to understand different cultures
  • It improves family relations
  • Communication, a visible structure of ideas (Charles, 1909)
Effectiveness of communication
            There are 7 ‘Cs to have a better and effective communication. If these points are taken into notice than a very effective communication can be done. These points enable a person to share his perspective with others. These points are:
1-      Completeness
It means that all the facts must be conveyed which are required by the audience. The receiver mind set must be considered. It helps in decision making and sometimes also give additional imformation.
2-      Conciseness
It means wordiness i.e. conveying the message in the least possible words. It is both time saving as well as cost saving. It highlights the main message.
3-      Consideration
It is like stepping into the shoes of others. Efficient communication must take the listeners into consideration. The audience viewpoint is the most important of all. This emphasizes on the ‘you’ approach.
4-       Clarity
It implies on emphasizing on a specific goal or message at a time rather than trying too much at once. Clear message makes use of appropriate, exact and concrete words.
5-       Concreteness
It implies on the fact to be particular and clear rather than being fuzzy and general. It strengthens the confidence level of the sender.
6-       Courtesy
The message should express the sender’s expression but it should also contain respect for the receiver. The sender must be polite and judicious. It is usually positive and not at all biased.
7-      Correctness
There should be no grammatical mistakes in the message. It has greater impact on the audience. It makes the use of correct and appropriate language. (Leena, 2007)
Barriers of communication
            There are many obstacles that are on the way to communicate. Although it has been reduced in a great number but still they are there. Researchers have tried their best to remove these barriers and they haven’t reached to a medium that does not create any hurdle.
            When we talk about the wireless mediums then the security of the data becomes less and it can be hacked by any other person. Microwave signals are only transferred in straight directions and if any huge building or mountain came in their way then the data or message that was sent can’t be reached for the receiver. The satellite signals are best in the wireless modems. The satellite is placed almost 22500 kilometers above from the earth. This satellite receives the signals from the sender and then it boost the signals to the receiver. Some other barriers are noise, lack of time, emotions, beliefs, ambiguous message, difference of context and culture, confusion, illiteracy and many others.(Skills You Need)
            Today from an infant to the older person, everyone is using the communication materials. Some are using the most updated versions and some are using the same old methods but every one of the society is enabled to do communication. The most used method is the cell phones. Almost everyone now has their cell phones. In business formal letters are used known as business letters. Report writing is also an example.
            The youth are using even the more updated and more techiqued ways to communicate. The smart phones are now very popular. Other examples of communication are E mail, Fax and through the social media networks.(Carol, 1998)
            At the end it is concluded that now it has become the necessity of everyone to at least have one way to communicate. There are many benefits of communication. Only communication is a way by which people all around the world can get to know each other and understand the different cultures and their ideologies. We also conclude this that the communication was not an easy task some centuries ago but now it is very easy and everyone is able to access  it.

Leena Sen (2004), Communication Skills, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Cristopher H. Sterling (2008), Military Communications: From Ancient Times to the 21st Century, ABC-CLIO
D. H. Mellor (1990), Ways of Communicating, Cambridge University Press                       
Dr. R. K. Singla (2009), Business Management, FK Publications
Charles Horton Cooley (1909), The Significance of Communication, Chapter 6 in Social Organization, Scribner’s Sons, retrieved from,
Leena Sen (2007), Communication Skills, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Barriers to Effective Communication, Skills You Need, retrieved from,

Carol Carysforth (1998), Communication For Work, Heinemann.