North America is subsequently going
through post industrial transformation i.e. the growth and development of the
economy. It is an industrial revolution which results in the education rather
than the goods. The North American realm includes two countries i.e. United
States of America and Canada.
Physical geography
North America is very prominent in
the world. It is distinct by the water from the north, west and east side. The
southern border is more challenging. The challenge if faced bravely and boldly
will help them join global economy successfully.
Cultural diversity
Cultural diversity includes languages,
traditions, customs and many other things. The culture of North America is
changing swiftly. The different cultures of North America effect the global
Economic strengths and weaknesses
The Canadian has the eighth largest
and strongest economy in the world as per defined by the International Monetary.
The service industry, abundance of natural resources and free trade agreement
with many countries play a major role in strengthen the economy. But automobile
industry, online shopping and strong regionalism are weakening the North
America’s industry.
Regionalism and Ethnicity
The Americans are very ethnic. They
are often indulged in regionalism. They discriminate among the black and white
peoples. If they will abolish this, it will result very positively. Their
economy will be stronger and it will also help the global economy to be
Region of North-America problem
One of the biggest problems of the
regions of North America is the environment issue. Regional integration effects
the environment and national progress. Cultural industries are also affected by
the industrial transformation.
Oil in North America
The energy revolution is taking place
in North America. Oil is the main source of energy. A new technique of drilling
has shown that the vast reserves of oil and other resources are there in North
America. In about 2020, America will be able to have 50% of oil from its own
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