

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Nature Vs nurture

 The nature versus nurture debate is concerned within psychology as to whether the behavioral aspects are hereditary or acquired through personal experience. Nature is that characters which are inherited from the nature while nurture is the knowledge or conduct of a person which he learns from environment. 

            The nature defines that the characters or traits of a person are due to the genetic inheritance which continues to generation after generation with small changing’s in them that is called evolution. Genes are transferred from parents to offspring’s and in those genes the traits of a person are recognized. These traits affect the person’s behavior in an environment. While nurture says that a person behaves according to the environmental needs or from the experience a person has from its environment. According to John Watson all the human behavior is due to the environment. A person behaves as per he is taught or in which a person grows up. He had even said that if he is given healthy babies then he will control their environment and grow them up to doctors, engineers, lawyers or even criminals or thieves etc. (Jeffrey, 2009)
              Some say that at the time of birth of a child his mind is totally empty and it can be filled with different thoughts and learning’s as per the environment he is living in this is nurture. The recent studies have shown that the youth who are brought up in the families with criminal history are more into the same path as compared to the ones belonging to decent families having no criminal past. The young people who see their families imprisoned are raised in such conditions by which they seem to think that it is the thing which they also have to follow. It is not in nature that the genes of being a criminal is passed over from generation to generation but it is the nurture i.e. the environment or the surrounding which motivates a youth or do not prevent a youth from entering into criminal activities which will ultimately result them to go to jail because of their illegal activities.
            The families of Jukes and Kallikak were studied for the research to know that the environment plays an important role to make a child a criminal or a decent man. The Jukes family of New York was studied to determine the behavior. A physician named Elisha Harris observed the family up to six generations and often found the people with criminal history i.e. the people were often found to be paupers, vagrants or criminals. In one generation which produces a number of 14 children it was observed that nine of them were imprisoned for 50 years while other five were frequently jailed because of their illegal act. After these observations Richard Dugale deeply studied the family history and concluded that the anti social behavior of the people was due to the environmental factors that this family faced rather than the hereditary factors. The poor conditions of the family did not prevent the persons to stop the illegal activities and move themselves to a healthy lifestyle. After Richard’s death his idea was reinterpreted and it was said that the criminal behavior of the family was due to the genes that passed into the family from generation to generation. (Jukes Family)
            The other family studied under the nature versus nurture debate was the Kallikak family which was headed by Martin Kallikak , from which two descendents family arose; one from his sexual relations with a feeble minded bar main and one with his honest Quaker women wife. Henry Goddard studied the family and observed that the children from the bar maid were mostly criminals, beggars, thieves or house keepers of the ill reputes. He found that in the descendants of bar maid only 46 were normal, while others were alcoholic, epileptics, feeble minded, sexually immoral and illegitimate. While the descendants of the Quaker Women were more decent and only three were found to be mentally degenerate and two alcoholics. Goddard concluded his studies by saying that all the behavior characters were hereditary not environmental although the conditions and the environment of the two families were not the same. (Kallikak Family) 
                The nature does not enhance a person ability to become a thief it is the surrounding of a person or the experience of a person which he has gained by passing through different stages of life and observing the environment. In nature it is determined that what will be the color of the body, the hair or the height of a person but are the attributes, the personality also present in the genes? Nativists describe the activities of a person that these are all present in the genes which have evolved while the empiricists say that it is all in the nurture. The nature provides the factors for both the good and the bad now it is the nurture by which a person undergoes to inhibit illegal activities or to follow a decent life style. The family environment is the most important factor in the Juvenile Delinquency. The children who see their siblings or family involved in the anti social activities believe that this is the path they should also follow. Children who are in contact with the friends who are involved in such activities or the children who are not treated well in the families get themselves involve in such illegal acts by which they can get themselves in jails. The nature part is not appealing to people as the physical appearance of a person may be genetic but the behavior of a person is not, it just depends on the conditions which a person faces in life. It is true what John Locke has said that a mind is in blank state it is filled as per the knowledge determined by a person’s experience. (Kendra)
Jeffrey S. Nevid, 2009, Psychology: Concepts and Applications, Cengage Learning
Kendra Cherry, What Is Nature Versus Nurture? , Psychology,, Retrieved from,

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