

Friday, 8 November 2013


Personal leadership
Personal leadership means to have technical and psychological effect on its own leadership qualities. Leadership is the quality to bring out the best in everything. It is the ability and desire to crystallize the thinking and to establish specific dimension, direction or destination. It includes the choice, courage and commitment. When you build your own personal leadership you have to work smarter. You have to improve the creativity, productivity and effectiveness of the works.
Levels of personal leadership
            The four levels of personal leadership are
Ø  Practical definition of leadership
Ø  Purpose of a leader
Ø  Know what leaders have to do
Ø  Know about growing himself
Practical definition of leadership
            There had been many leaders in the history of the world. Every leader works on his thinking and capacity that’s why the definite definition is not possible. As every leader has its own quality the definition can be summarized as the leaders are the one who inspires others and are good communicators. Good leaders know about the perceptive of their business and employees. To create a definition of a leader, become aware of what type of leaders you want to have in work and elsewhere. Warren Bennis said that leadership is like a beauty, it can’t be defined but you will be known when you will see it. (Practical Management Skills)
Purpose of a leader
The purpose of a leader is to fulfill his vision and to complete the cause. A significant quality of a leadership is to have a full confidence of his employees. The purpose of a leader should be clear to everybody. The confidence could only be assured if the leader fulfills his promises and not let his audience down. If a long term vision is placed in front of the public than he should make it essential to accomplish it.
Know what leaders have to do
A leader must be clear in his visions. He should be bright in his tasks. An actual leader should clearly allocate his responsibilities and duties. He should get regular feedback from his audience or employees. They should focus on their aims and to do fight with others on the same subjects. They should try to grow themselves and become powerful rather than to weaken the others. A leader must know what he is doing and what must he do. The motive of the leader should be always clear.
Know about growing himself
The fourth key is the combination of many characteristics. It is actually to get to know about oneself. It is comprises of the sub three levels. The elements of personal leader ship are the components which can make a person a strong and smart leader. These elements are briefly explained below:
1-Technical knowhow and skill
Technical knowhow and skill means to determine one’s weaknesses in technical way and to have action to update one’s own knowledge. Scouller has advised that a leader should learn three things to update his knowledge. These things are time management, individual psychology and group psychology. A leader must have a clear aim in front of him so that he can work accordingly. There are many skills which a personal leader has to develop. It includes integrity, fairness, never to promote himself, to give smile and encouragement to his employees or workers, planning and prioritizing, hardworking and just. (Joe, 2007)                                                                                                                                                                                        
2-The right attitude towards other people
The one who wants to be the best leader should develop a better and convincing attitude towards other people. His attitude and behavior makes him an ideal person in front of the others. One of the important quality or level of the personal leader is the nice behavior. People judge their leaders by their attitudes. Scouller has defined a personal leader very sensibly. He said that a leader should adopt five qualities to have the right attitude towards the people. These characteristics are interdependence, caring, appreciation, service and balance. He also suggested two keys to adopt these qualities. The first one is to have the clear idea for the goal to achieve. And the other is that the leader should develop his self-mastery to reduce the self esteem. Politeness and positivity should be reflected from a leader’s behavior. 
3-Psychological self-mastery
The third level demands to have self awareness and flexibility in his mind. This quality is a must that is needed in leadership for any format.  Self-mastery is the summarized form of self-control, self-understanding and self-awareness. Life is filled with experiences; and a leader should learn from these experiences and make his own understanding. A good leadership must know about the self-awareness. It means that a leader should know about all his hidden talents, abilities and everything he has. One should know about himself that what are his strong points and in which ability does he lack. Self-control should be present in a leader. A leader must have self-control upon him. As he have to face a large crowd. He must be ready to face any type of problem. A leader should be always ready to face any type of situation. (Leader values)

Practical Management Skills, retrieved from,
Joe Farcht (2007), Building Personal Leadership, Morgan. James Publishing

Charles Albano (1999), Adaptive Leadership, Leader Values, retrieved from,

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