is always a part of American history. Sometimes the slaves are treated fairly
good otherwise they are treated as inferiors. Some people treat them, as they
are not even humans. By keeping slaves, people show off their wealth and the
luxurious lifestyle they are living. The presence of a slave make Americans
feel superior. Slaves were always present in the bottom line of a society.
Slavery is very different from the others. In early America, the difference in
the slavery system was due to the racial basis. This implied that almost all of
the slaves of the Whiteman were Africans and almost all of the Africans in the
America were treated as slaves. This placed a label of inferiority among the
blacks. Africans were easily distinguished among the others because of their
skin. Their black color skin was the symbol of inferiority whereas the whites
were the masters and impose that they are superior to the blacks.
were the victim of American slavery. They always tried to minimize the
contribution of blacks in the political departments. Blacks were kept far from
the Government. White man tried to remove every possible black from any
political or social gathering. They wanted to be superior and make the blacks
feel inferior. Africans were made low class. Ever possible move was made so
that African American would feel inferior. Americans consider themselves as the
master of all. Racism emerged so that they will be superior to all. The
criteria were that all the people with black skin would be inferior to those
who have white skin (Junius, 1997)[1].
consider themselves better than they consider any other. The Americans think
that they are above of all the other races. Slaves were used to make the United
States a developed nation. People used offensive terms to degrade the blacks
and make them suffer by always calling them by hateful terms. They do this to
give the notice that no matter what the blacks are inferior and Whites superior
of all. Slaves were needed to work hard in the fields. Americans were always
reluctant to work hard and do the labor duties in agricultural fields or in any
industry. Slaves were used to expand the Industrial and agricultural sector of
the U.S. Americans used slavery as a vehicle to make them superior. They did
not want to work hard so they used Africans to work for them. The labor work
was given to the black so that they work hard on it and make their masters
trade was also established to bring people from Africa who will work for them.
This trade brought many Africans to America so that the Industrial system of
America got developed. Racism was manifested in the slavery system as Africans
were brought to America and then with no help and aid from any body the black
people were forced to do as they were told; they had no choice. The
Americans are ethnic. They force the black people to do the jobs in industries
for the leisure of white people. They consider themselves superior and judge
them as slaves. White usually treats Americans Africans racial (Joe, 2000)[2].
Ross Frank, 2000, From Settler to
Hackle Steven, 2005, Children of Coyote,
Missionaries of St. Francis
Taylor Alan, 2001, American Colonies
Morgan Phillip, 1998, Slave Counterpoint
Bailyn Bernard, 1986, Voyagers to the
Bonomi Patricia, 1986, Under the Cope of
Greer Allen, 2000, The People of New France
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