

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Problem Solving

In this Informative essay, it has been discussed that problem solving is a unique and difficult performance. Even an experienced person faces difficulty to solve a problem. Every problem raises several more questions. There are many factors, which play important role in problem solving. Some of them are explained below.
1-Working memory capacity
            The capacity of mind that it can store while working is the working memory capacity. A person can remember a 9 digit or a 10 digit number at one time is its working capacity. It plays great role in problem solving. In day-to-day routines, a person observes and goes through many articles and many things. If a person has great capacity, he will remember and focuses on the things, on how they worked and will analyze the problem through it. It is the ability of an individual to focus; when a person focus on something or draws attention towards anything, he will defiantly have good working capacity. For e.g. when a person is given a problem he will focus on it and will think deeply to analyze how the problem will be solved.   (Janet, Robert, 2003)
2-Encoding process
            Encoding helps to resolve the problem as some symbols are specified for a particular data that may fit in the formula that has been encoded. In several mathematical problems, different formulas are used. These formulas have passed through encoding process. When a problem is given, a person can analyze the data and can compare that from which formula that issue can be solved. Encoding plays a vital role, as it is difficult to remember long terms; symbols are implied to make a formula. When a problem is faced by any person, he compares the given data with the encoded formula; this helps in solving a problem.
3-Long-term memory retrieval
            Long-term memory helps a person a lot in problem solving. As a person has faced many difficulties in question solving or in any other task, he has experienced a lot. Every person learns something from his or her experience. This learning, if stored in mind, can be retrieved at the time of need helps a lot in problem solving. Previously recorded material in the memory can be composed together and can be used at the time of need. This helps a person to examine and compare the problem from the previous ones. If a person is deficient in retrieval, he will face difficulty in simple processes also; as if a person is unable to retrieve that how a single word is pronounced or if writing any article what is the spelling of a particular word. A person with great power of long-term memory retrieval can retrieve data from previously solved problems and can compare the two. This will help him to solve the issue he will be facing. For example if a person faces any mathematical problem and had solved the same type of problem a long time ago, he can retrieve the data previously stored and resolve the on hand issue. (You-Jin, 2008)
             Metacognition is one’s own knowledge and understanding for one’s ownself. It plays an important role in problem solving as metacognition helps a person to plan strategies and use the planning at a particular period. The analysis of the problem is done and then it is solved. Group discussions help a person to analyze and think about the problem. It is one’s own knowledge that how a person will use the strategies and at what time he will use his planning to resolve the issue. It is very important as if a person has problem solving strategies but does not know how to or when to use, those planning is will be useless. (Marta, 2008)
Janet E. Davidson, Robert J. Sternberg, 2003, The Psychology of Problem solving, Cambridge University Press
You-Jin Seo, 2008, Effects of Multimedia Software on Word Problem Solving Performance, ProQuest
Marta T. Magiera, 2008, Metacognition in Solving Complex Problems, ProQuest

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