immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) is a disease of human
immune syste. It is caused by the infection with immunodeficiency virus. The
pathophysiology of HIV is highly complicated. After the virus has entered the
body it undergoes several replicationnd increases the amount of infection. This rejoinder is go
together with by a clear fall in the quantity of flowing CD4+ T cells. The delicate viremia is roughly always linked
with commencement of CD8+ T cells, which kills HIV infected
cells, and then with the production of antibodies. The CD8+ T cell reply is believed to be an important step in controlling the
virus, which hit the highest point and then turn down because the CD4+ T cell counts get well. A high-quality CD8+ T cell reaction has been associated to slower disease succession and a
better prediction, though it does not eradicate the virus.
Inflammatory bowel disease is achronic and disabilind disease with
unknown etiology. There is a controversy in the physiology factors of IBD. IBD
is a group of chronic gastrointestinal tract diseases that are degenerating and
remitting. This disease has been increasing since the last decade. The
approximate rate is 120 to 200 per 100000. Almost 75% of the people believe
that their own personality is a major distribution of their disease while 90%
thinks that it influences their disease activity.(1997)
of HIV danger is alleged as persistence and the avoidance standard of condom
usage on each sexual time is supposed as a high level of behavioral pledge, stress
became an inspiring force that guides HIV-negative men to hold a safer sex. Several
put ups related to maladaptive responses to HIV risks have been studied; HAART-
hopeful attitudes to HIV disease, fatigue with safe sex and avoidance messages,
and philosophical beliefs about supporting preventive actions.(The Free
Stress is a generating
and aggravating factor in relative to the course and signs of IBD.
Psychological anxiety can boost intestinal permeability, possibly as result of
changes in the cholinergic nervous system.Once IBD expands the randomness, ambiguity,
and chronic course of the illness can cause a broad range of psychological &
interpersonal worries to patients. These comprises of loss of power of the
bowel, exhaustion, injury of
body image, a fear of sexual insufficiency,
social segregation of dependency, a fear about not accomplishing to one’s full possibility,
and reacting dirty.(2012)
Giuseppe Pantaleo, James F. Demarest, Timothy Schacker, Mauro
Vaccarezza, Oren J. Cohen, Marybeth Daucher, Cecilia
Graziosi, Steven S. Schnitman, Thomas C. Quinn, George M.
Shaw, Luc Perrin, Giuseppe Tambussi, Adriano Lazzarin, Rafick P.
Sekaly, Hugo Soudeyns, Lawrence Corey & Anthony S. Fauci (1997),
The qualitative nature of the primary immune response to HIV infection is a prognosticator of disease progression
independent of the initial level of plasmaviremia, Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Assessing maladaptive
responses to the stress of being at risk of HIV infection among HIV-negative
gay men in New York City, The Free Library,
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