

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Risk management

            Chernobyl Disaster was a terrible nuclear disaster, which happened in 1986 in the nuclear power plant. It was so catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at Chernobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine. It is to be considered that it was the worst nuclear accident in history. It was the one of only two of the level seven on the International nuclear event scale. The long-term effects were shown like cancer and deformities. Thirty-one deaths were recorded. About 350,400 people were evacuated from 1986 to 2000 to different areas. Because of the radiations, many people died as it was poisonous and it affected people long after the accident happened. The Chernobyl 4 reactor was destroyed.
            There were several causes for the Chernobyl accident to occur. The accident happened when the staff was starting to test the reactor Chernobyl4. When the operators wanted to shut down the reactor it was at that time unstable, high amount of steam as well as high pressure was formed which resulted in the destruction of the reactor. Explosions were observed due to which many people lost their lives. About 14EBq, radiations were released into the environment due to these explosions. Many tons of water was also introduced but then after some days it was stopped so that the water should not flow into the flooding units. Up until 10 days different radioactive substances were released in the atmosphere. The heavy radioactive fission material soon settled down but the wind carried the lighter substances and gases to Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus and to Europe also. Fires started to burn the remaining things, which were not affected by the explosion. About 100 fire fighters were first to arrive and these people received the radiations from the environment. They received highest exposure to the rays.
On 28th April different materials were dumped in the reactor to manage the reaction control. The materials dropped in the reactor were in accordance with the fire and other radioactive materials so that it would be minimized. A struggle was happening to finish off the effect of the radioactive materials released in the atmosphere. (World Nuclear Association)
Among several causes it was also a main cause that a complete understanding was missing between the scientists and engineers. Safety rules were broken which resulted in the explosion of the reactor. Several departments were underdeveloped. The explosion was said to be more chemical rather than nuclear. After the explosion a danger of secrecy was also observed; secrecy of the power to the enemy i.e. U.S and to control the scientists which were the brains of the country as well as for the nuclear plant. (Sergei, 2004)
Many people were forced to labor in the contaminated areas. About 65,000 soldiers were shoved to harmful ways. They were not at all provided with the protective equipment. Some soldiers even did not follow the safety procedures and were trying to prove themselves as brave or courageous; they throw their masks and then worked on the territory for the cleanup. As a result, a large amount of radioactive hot particles resides inside the lungs of many Soviets. That’s why there are many hazards that are still affecting the people till now. (Leonard, 1991)
Several hazards, which affected upon this disaster were health hazards and many more things effect the environment and it was contaminated with the poisonous gases. It caused devastating and horrible effects in the surroundings. The calculations tell that several hundred thousands of people have lost their lives due to this catastrophic event. They were all unfortunate to live in the effected territory. It is quoted that even twenty years after several deaths and illnesses have arisen because of this Chernobyl terrible accident. About 9,000 deaths and 20,000 people suffer from different diseases caused by the radioactive exposure. The diseases are mostly related to respiratory, nervous or blood circulatory system, or other internal organs. The effects of the radiations were mostly internal and it was more devastating. It was clearly seen that the huge amount of deaths show that the Chernobyl disaster was one of the most destructive nuclear explosion.  (Sergei, 2012)
            Some people quote that the scientific evidence showed that the radiations causes increase in the level of cancer, leukemia and non-cancer mortality in the affected Chernobyl areas. Radiation injury also occurs to human beings when an unstable amount of radiations is taken in. The radiation can cause different injuries it can cause acute radiation syndrome or radiation sickness. Some reports say that many of the deaths of the fire fighters and of the workers are due to the acute radiation syndrome. Several say that diseases arise due to ingestion of solid neoplasm and other radioactive material.  The cases of thyroid cancer were also observed. (World Nuclear Association)

Reference list
·         Sergei P. Kapitza. (2004). Foreign Affairs: Lessons of Chernobyl. Council on Foreign Relations. Inc
·         Leonard Reiffel.  (1991). Chernobyl Five Years Later. National Review

·         Sergei V. Jargin. (2012). The Nuclear Industry and Health. Baywood Publishing Co.Inc

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